It's time to move on and away..relocated elsewhere to write my very own journal of myprevarication
What happens when you put 3 idiotic good friends at one of their place?You get a whole load of horrid singing (or screeching in shang's case) and a session of 'gaying' around.Went over to supposedly do some math in a bid to prevent the worst case scenario from happening next week,which would involve either me or shang sitting in the hall pressing away vigorously at our calculators.No not calculating out an answer to the question,but more of calculating the least possible marks we would end up with.
Can't exactly describe how i feel right now,the countless attempts at one physics question after another is making me feel exasperated.It gets vexing after consecutive futile attempts at solving the same question,and then i move on to another question just to realise i'm back at square one yet again.If i had a genie right now,i'd wish for a physics teacher with the brains of einstein that looks like Jessica alba.Oh wait,i think i'd wish for a more physics oriented brain of my own.
After drifting in and out of conscioshusness on the bus,and just staring out the window motionless, watching as the headlights of passing cars flash by,I'm finally back.After the 5 hours ride,I'm back on this little dot i call home,where travelling on the highway would at most take an hour or slightly more.The torturous ride was exacerbated by the surrounding sea of darkness that offered no hints or signs of life.There were no lamp posts that stood along the roads,and its just the rumbling noise of the engine serenading the night.
It's my first day here at Genting,and somehow i've managed to find some lan shop and am thus able to get back to 'civilisation' again.The weather's great,too good in fact judging from the fact that you could walk a mile here under the non-existent sun and not sweat a single drop.